
Welcome to Live It Up Wellness!

I am SO happy you’re here! My name is Jessica Gilman and I’m a certified health coach.

You may be wondering “why do I need a health coach?” Something is likely going on in your life that led you here.

Are you struggling with weight loss or maintaining your weight? Are you confused about what is good or bad to eat? Maybe you’re not great in the kitchen? Or you can’t seem to find the time to prioritize healthy habits?

Maybe you’re struggling with a toxic relationship with food, emotional eating, and annoying cravings? Do you struggle with hormonal imbalance, thyroid problems, candida, dietary restrictions, digestive issues, allergies?

I get it. This sounds so familiar to me. And I can help you with it!

The truth is that we aren’t really taught how to take great care of ourselves. You’ve likely heard a lot more about the hot new fad diets (HELLO keto, paleo, Atkins, intermittent fasting…) than how to be healthy and feel your best.

What if I told you weight loss and weight management don’t have to be restrictive? What if I told you that all this dieting has actually worked AGAINST you by slowing down your metabolism, inviting nutritional deficiencies, and preventing you from meeting your health goals?

I’m here to tell you that you can break free from dieting for GOOD! That you can nourish and heal your body with food! You can enjoy food and not feel guilty! You can do all this and FEEL better too!

No more digestive issues, constipation, cravings, energy slumps, and feeling terrible every day.

And even better, this healthy lifestyle will do incredible things for your skin, hair, nails… aka, food can make you beautiful!

I’m here to help support your journey to discover what works best for YOUR nutrition, digestion, fitness, and mental/emotional wellness. I’m here to be your perfect accountability partner and teacher while you make simple, long-term lifestyle changes that will not only help you meet your goals, but change your life.

I can’t wait to work with you! Click here to sign up for a consultation!

Love always,
